pandas basic 02데이터분석 2019. 10. 10. 20:08
01. Column Selection
there are a few ways to select columns in a DataFrame.
# select by indexing mydf[[col1, col2, col3]] # select by dtype mydf.select_dtypes(include=['int']) # select by filter mydf.filter(like='flag') mydf.filter(regex='\d') mydf.filter(like='pre_') # ex1) select columns having NaN null_cols = (mydf.select_dtypes(['object']).isnull().sum()>0).to_list() mydf.select_dtypes(['object']).loc[:, null_cols]
It is useful to group columns and align them
col_A = [col_A1, col_A2, col_A3] col_B = [col_B1, col_B2] col_C = [col_C1, col_C2, col_C3, col_C4] mydf = mydf[col_A + col_B + col_C]
02. Basic Calculation
Apply basic calculations to all columns
# ignore NaN mydf.count() mydf.min() mydf.max() mydf.sum() mydf.cumsum() # consider NaN mydf.sum(skipna=False) # ex1) check nulls mydf.isnull().sum() mydf.isnull().sum().sum() # basic calculation mydf + 2019 # works only when num type mydf == value mydf1 == mydf2 # doesn't work when NaN exists mydf.equal(mydf2)
03. Memory Save
# check mydf.memory_usage(deep=True) # type change mydf.col1 = mydf.col1.astype(np.int8) # to Categorical mydf.select_dtypes(include=['object']).nunique() mydf.col2 = mydf.col2.astype('category')
04. Largest & Smallest
top1000 = mydf.nlargest(1000, 'col1') target = top1000.nsmallest(10, 'col2')
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